Oh, memories, and the goings on of today...
The first guy I met off there, isn't too much older than me, and he knew one of the kids in my classes. :P Yeah, I was still in high school when I joined... but 18. So it was okay. :P Anyway... so one night I was feeling particularly insane, and decided to go watch a movie with him, and since the kid from my class would be there I agreed, cuz even though I had never actually really spoken to that kid in my class, I knew he wouldn't try to kill me. Ha. Anyway... we're all friends now... that was like over a year ago. So yeah.
But after that, I think I sorta gave up on cupid, and the only person I ever told that I was on that site, was my friend wes... maybe Mandy too... cuz I used to tell her a lot. Heh. But anyway, wes was like katy you should join this other site, cuz you can totally message people for free. So I was like k. And I did.
And THAT's where I met Kevin. Who, by the way, still has not answered my email... and it is the last day of June. I am officially giving up... plus it's true, I never really did like him. :P Although he did buy my shirts, and when I first started talking to him, we had so much in common... and he said I was perfect. ME. That sorta melted my heart a little. :P It's only because I know quotes from Spaceballs. :P But anydangway...
Those are the only two people I've ever met in real life off the internet, and I don't really want to do it again. I met Kevin, because I did have a crush on the internet Kevin. He was funny, and charming, and all those good things. :P Real one's sorta like that, but shy, so it didn't really come out, and at first I felt I was the one holding the conversation, or creating it. ME. I felt I wasn't being myself, because I'm shy too, and I don't really like talking all that much. Believe that? :P But I guess our relationship just grew into more of friendship status. Even though we went to like... 3 more movies. :P And never ever touched. It was awesome! :P Guess we were like each other's practice dates? Hahaha. That's how I'll always look at it I guess. I totally respect him, and do think he's reaaallly really nice, and someday he'll find the one who's right for him. Not me though. Plus he's like 6'1 and I'm just a bit over 5'. Although it's almost nice being towered over... it's not what I want for the rest of my life. :P Plus he wears socks with sandals.
So yes. I think the guy who, I think might have a chance of liking me... :P?, is moving to the city tomorrow. And I'm pretty sure he's gonna ask me if I wanna hang out one day. I will say no at first... or I'll say yes, and change my mind at the last second. Because, really, although I've talked to him for a couple months, I don't really know a lot about him... and therefore, am not sure of what he is capable of. Plus, I should just go out, and try to meet people instead of the internet. It's not really for me... yet. Maybe when I'm 30, and just don't care anymore. :P jk. Cya.
(PLUS (I keep saying that, sorry!) I think I like Pete... like maybe more than friends? omg... I dunno. We walked across the bridge yesterday, and I was my clumsy, hopefully charming self. Haha. I almost walked into a huge pile of dirt staring at the gophers. And he laughed... yeah, I'm getting ahead of myself. Just go with the flow katy... but I swear I was like 5 seconds away from asking him to go out with me. Might be awkward going out with someone who's in your class, which only consists of eight people. Yeah. It would be. Plus I like the loner profile I have there. Haha. Oh how sad. K, I'm done.)
Oh, and my mouse is being so annoying. The little scrolly ball will let me go down the page, but not up. ARGH. Gonna drive me nuts.