Friday, June 30, 2006

Oh, memories, and the goings on of today...

Hehehe. I was reading dreamlover's post (anotha shout-OUT! woo. :P ). Anyway... I was reminded somewhat of my experiences with... "dating sites". I usually joined them because I was bored, and I kept hearing's radio ads and I was like... let's see what that's all about.

The first guy I met off there, isn't too much older than me, and he knew one of the kids in my classes. :P Yeah, I was still in high school when I joined... but 18. So it was okay. :P Anyway... so one night I was feeling particularly insane, and decided to go watch a movie with him, and since the kid from my class would be there I agreed, cuz even though I had never actually really spoken to that kid in my class, I knew he wouldn't try to kill me. Ha. Anyway... we're all friends now... that was like over a year ago. So yeah.

But after that, I think I sorta gave up on cupid, and the only person I ever told that I was on that site, was my friend wes... maybe Mandy too... cuz I used to tell her a lot. Heh. But anyway, wes was like katy you should join this other site, cuz you can totally message people for free. So I was like k. And I did.

And THAT's where I met Kevin. Who, by the way, still has not answered my email... and it is the last day of June. I am officially giving up... plus it's true, I never really did like him. :P Although he did buy my shirts, and when I first started talking to him, we had so much in common... and he said I was perfect. ME. That sorta melted my heart a little. :P It's only because I know quotes from Spaceballs. :P But anydangway...

Those are the only two people I've ever met in real life off the internet, and I don't really want to do it again. I met Kevin, because I did have a crush on the internet Kevin. He was funny, and charming, and all those good things. :P Real one's sorta like that, but shy, so it didn't really come out, and at first I felt I was the one holding the conversation, or creating it. ME. I felt I wasn't being myself, because I'm shy too, and I don't really like talking all that much. Believe that? :P But I guess our relationship just grew into more of friendship status. Even though we went to like... 3 more movies. :P And never ever touched. It was awesome! :P Guess we were like each other's practice dates? Hahaha. That's how I'll always look at it I guess. I totally respect him, and do think he's reaaallly really nice, and someday he'll find the one who's right for him. Not me though. Plus he's like 6'1 and I'm just a bit over 5'. Although it's almost nice being towered over... it's not what I want for the rest of my life. :P Plus he wears socks with sandals.

So yes. I think the guy who, I think might have a chance of liking me... :P?, is moving to the city tomorrow. And I'm pretty sure he's gonna ask me if I wanna hang out one day. I will say no at first... or I'll say yes, and change my mind at the last second. Because, really, although I've talked to him for a couple months, I don't really know a lot about him... and therefore, am not sure of what he is capable of. Plus, I should just go out, and try to meet people instead of the internet. It's not really for me... yet. Maybe when I'm 30, and just don't care anymore. :P jk. Cya.

(PLUS (I keep saying that, sorry!) I think I like Pete... like maybe more than friends? omg... I dunno. We walked across the bridge yesterday, and I was my clumsy, hopefully charming self. Haha. I almost walked into a huge pile of dirt staring at the gophers. And he laughed... yeah, I'm getting ahead of myself. Just go with the flow katy... but I swear I was like 5 seconds away from asking him to go out with me. Might be awkward going out with someone who's in your class, which only consists of eight people. Yeah. It would be. Plus I like the loner profile I have there. Haha. Oh how sad. K, I'm done.)

Oh, and my mouse is being so annoying. The little scrolly ball will let me go down the page, but not up. ARGH. Gonna drive me nuts.

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Mmm... π.



hmm. It is freakin' hot outside. And I almost killed myself walking so fast trying to catch up to Pete, but whatever. I was like... not too far back and then he turned and I was like dang. He's a cool guy. He's in my class... yeah. Kinda wanted to talk to him... meh. For no reason, really... just make conversation. We did that the other day... it was cool. Haha. Have I got a new crush? I dunno. Maybe. whatever, shut up.

But back to my point. It's hot outside. So I'm going to stay in my basement. I can't live in heat. Haha. Not that way... but you know. I get really uncomfortable when it's hot... and whatever...

So my project's gonna be a "site" that's called K-Bro's Song of the Week. It's ridiculous. First I was gonna call it Zobo's sotw... and then Hobo's... but then I was like... nah... k-bo? kaybro? So it's K-Bro... and don't you forget it!

Man, gawker is like the most... I dunno. It's funny. I got it from thecompanybitch's blog.

My ear hurts. Hope I don't have an ear infection... I had one last year... that was fun. Got to miss work. And take tasty banana medicine, because I have this weird mind thing, where I freak out if I try to swallow a pill and start gagging and stuff. My mom gets so annoyed with me because of that. And the doctors don't really believe that I can't swallow them... but whatever. I don't like sharing that information. Which is why one day I will get over it... there's lots of stuff wrong with my head though. Well... in my opinion. :P Cya.

Monday, June 26, 2006

"Potato's In The Paddywagon"

I used to have a little doll that I named Baby Potatoes. Because I LOVED potatoes.. they're good, but I don't like em as much as I used to. Heh.

I came home from school early because I do not feel top notch. Ugh. It will pass.

Anyway... I've pretty much already forgotten about the enigma Kevin. Haha. Still hasn't emailed back. Maybe he's really busy... whatever, I don't really care...

Hmm... I thought I was going to start Flash MX today in class, but no... he gave us a project to do with DreamWeaver.. and now I need to think of something I'm interested in, that would make a good ezine. Hm. I was thinking accordions... but I don't really want to do that. So I don't know. There are too many things I'm interested in, that my mind has overloaded and gone blank. Whee.

Maybe movies. Man. I'm so addicted to YouTube again... I made the crappiest little stop motion movie... but I love it. :P It's just a juggling ball climbing over two other ones. It's crap. Trust me.

I feel sorta bad, cuz I didn't tell my teacher I wasn't coming back to school... I was just like well I'll come home, take some pills, and see if I feel better. I don't. But on the plus side I get to watch Arthur today. Haha. :P Whatever. I'll come up with some sort of... story for him tomorrow... perhaps that I had a headache. Cramps are an embarrassing thing I tells ya. Too personal, oh well. I like how everyone's blog that I read, is anonymous, basically. Or I would never ever meet them. And shouldn't care about their lives, but I do. It's fun. Sorta... I guess. More of a curiosity thing I suppose. Like what are other people in the world doing while I'm just sitting here? Hm. Well, whatever. Bye.

I hope enigma means what I think it means... :P

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

I'm hopeless.


I chickened out.

I totally knew I would.

I just... I dunno. I really, REALLY don't want one. Plus I was thinking about it all day, then when school finally let out, i was all... maybe I'm too good to just be in the kitchen. Plus it'd get really hot there... I would assume.

Jesus. I don't know.

Plus, I didn't really know where it was... and I kinda... walked by then I was like oh, but there were people in there, and I hate looking stupid.*

And if all I care about is the money, I think that I could... no, you know what?

I'm lazy. Let's face it. When I'm done school, they'll help me find a job. And it will be good. And then later on I can go on a trip places. I just... yeah.

I totally wasn't prepared in the slightest anyway. I was shaking I was so nervous... like when I went to my locker to put my book away... and I was thinking...

I'm just way too shy. But when I'm done school, I'll know that that's it. For sure. And I'll have to grow up. I'd rather do it then than now...

Plus it looked to be too happy a place to work... bright. lots of windows. shudder.

*I once drove into a ditch, because I didn't want to turn around... it's a long story, and I'm really not supposed to repeat it.

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

hopeful employee

I am no longer thinking about boys or anything like that. Nope. My mind is now for the moment, focused on getting a job. A pub that's right near my school is hiring in the kitchen... I know it will be a job like dishwashing or some crap like that... but! It's a pub! And I wouldn't have to deal with customers! Oh my god, it's like a dream come true. If i get it. I hope I do... I'm applying tomorrow. If I don't chicken out, which I probably won't because I do really need money. Heh... and I feel so lazy when everyone else in my class works... although they don't live with their mommy. Hmm. Oh well. I'm thinking I want to move out in the near future anyway... my brother makes living on your own look totally awesome. Heh. Yeah... so... *fingers crossed* Don't be shy. Don't be shy. Ahh. That's how I fucked up the last job I applied for... the interview... but she was a total bitch anyway. Blah. Don't get me started on that...

I think whatever this kitchen job is, it will be at least 5 times better than working at burger king. Ha. I hated that job... SO much. Yeah.

Friday, June 16, 2006

Okay. So I had emailed my friend Kevin(is he my friend?... probably?) a few days ago. He finally emailed back. I don't think he likes me anymore. Hell, I'm not sure he ever did. But what I do know, is that I now totally want him. Haha. to like me. :P I know, I'm horrible. But I dunno. He's kinda sorta interesting... and we do have more in common than I'd like to admit... :P But whatever. I replied like right after he sent it. I'm so desperate... or bored. Either one. :P But yeah. I dunno. Dreamlover's comment made me think today. OMG a shoutout! Ahh. Haha. But whatever... I always knew he was super nice... bah. I don't know. Yay for uncertainty!

Thursday, June 15, 2006


Gahahaha. Phone just rang... here:
"THis is a pre-recorded message from Northern Reflectiooooonnnnsss, for you our valued customeeeerrrr!" She sounded so fucking happy... it was hilarious. I listened to the WHOLE thing it was that amusing.

Spent today making awesome gifs... two of which are banner ads for the website I'm... redesigning and the other was going to be the header for the site. I was just sick of working on the banners... heh. It's fucking amazing though... the people who sit beside me were so jealous. Hehehe. Bahahahaha. Gaha. Bye.

Update... a minute later.
Phone rang again. Ooo a spider thing is crawling on my keyboard. and now he's in the crack. crap. jghj goddamn. he's gonna screw something up. I don't think it was a spider, just a dumb little bug. But anyway, where was I... oh yes. So it was Jack Layton on the phone. What's with all these pre recorded messages today. Anyway... he was all I wanna invite you to the ndp national convention in quebec in september... and when he was all talked out I yelled at him and I was all are you kidding me? I'm not going to quebec for an ndp convention asshole. You didn't even win. I guess that's the reason for the convention.

I freakin love conspiracy theorists. Well... you know. People who make up theories about what happened with stuff. Yeah. They were talking about 911 today at school, and... he was... yeah. It was interesting to hear.

I always though it was that... uh... I think I said this a few posts back... that senator guy. Nevermind...

Friday, June 09, 2006

Mmm... Google.

Am I the only one who thinks it would kick ass to work at Google? Especially in Ireland. Oh my god. SWOON. Haha. I'm such a dork. But... seriously. I think that would be the coolest job ever. I dunno why. Cuz google rocks? Yeah. That's probably it.

*And now we see the mysterious Katy, sucking up to google... creator of Interesting. Let's sit back and watch this amazing act in action.*

Yeah, I try to be funny. But I'm not. Oh well. Cuz I'm not ... enough-word-knowing. Wha? Dunno. Just thought I'd mention that... yay google. Haha. Double yay for Ireland. Swoon again.


Uh yeah. Nevermind. I will never be able to do any of that crap. Seeing as how I don't/ won't have a college or University degree. That's just ridiculous. Bah. And... yeah. You have to know how to actually fix computers. Which I don't. But Kevin does. And I do have to see him once more to give him back that game... hmm. Perhaps I can make him show me stuff. Although that wouldn't really make a difference, plus I don't really care. Right now anyway. BLAH. If they wanted someone with a little more than basic skills with... designing things, I think I might have had a chance. Haha. :P Plus they seem to prefer to use PCs and Windows... and Linux which I wanted to learn but... haven't gotten around to it yet. I should do that... if I could find a cheap computer with it. Blah. Hmm. Although... everything uses unix which is linux right? Or basically anyway. Maybe I heard him wrong. Whatever. I hate PCs. And Windows. Fucking hate it. :P Cya.

Pen and paper

I really should start carrying a pad of paper around... like in my hand. Because I always think of things that I want to bring up in a conversation with someone or something, and when I go to write it down... or see someone... I never remember. I dunno. Whatever.

Yeah, I don't know what I mean.

I really love this song. Speeding Cars by Imogen Heap.

Fuckin' love it. And goddamn, i should really hook the scanner up to this computer. Because I sketched an AWESOME picture while listening to Sarah Slean. She must inspire me or something. I love it anyway. Ha. :P Wes has the flu so I don't wanna go near him. Because... yeah I don't want it. Meh.

Monday, June 05, 2006


Well, don't I feel like a huge jackass. Finally my name seems appropriate. Almost. Really, I just like the word. Meh. anyway... why I'm a jackass:

When I got all worked up back in... march?... Cuz I found that site, which has a whole bunch of obits on it, and I said that they got the date of my sister's death wrong. Heh... that's the day it was printed. My mother cleared that up for me, cuz I explained to her that there were a lot of people who apparently died three days in a row. Ha. Yeah, I'm stupid. And now I'm off to watch the Weekenders, or anything I find funny. Bye.

Sunday, June 04, 2006


I'm being way to obsessive about this whole Mandy situation. I made like a little video blog on my camera about Thursday... on Thursday night... And I said on it, that if she didn't come over because she fell asleep I would "bitch slap her so fucking hard"... so I owe her one. But I obviously won't do it. Or maybe she knows I owe her one, and that's why she's totally avoiding me. It's insanely annoying. I can't believe it. I was looking forward to seeing her Thursday, and then on Friday I was in one of the worst moods I'd been in in a while.

And she's still not talking to me. So... if she doesn't answer one of my... four(?) emails by tomorrow... haha I know... I"m gonna be really pissed, and I'm just gonna phone her and be like, okay! what the hell is going on? Why don't you like me anymore? How is that like... possible. Ugh. I think it's because of Ian. And the last time that I saw them... we were out having fun, driving around and stuff, and then all of a sudden, we're at my house... I'm being dropped off at home. It was only midnight. I was mad. I didn't ask to go home or anything... so I kinda... said bye really hostilly. She was being a huge bitch while she was over here though. Ugh. I hate hanging out with both of them. Because all they do is cling onto each other and it is so goddamn annoying... and like... I so didn't want them over last saturday... Mandy phoned me and asked me to hatch a plan... cuz they didn't know what to do. What? Had too much sex already that day? Assholes.

They have nothing in common. I really just don't get it at all.

So yeah. I'm still really pissed, I want to forgive her, but like... I don't think... I DON'T EVEN KNOW. UGH.

Whatever. I need to go wash my hair.



Saturday, June 03, 2006

A little tired...

Well, well. Today was... different.

My teacher and I had a bit of a long-winded conversation about AIDS. He was tellin me this long story about what he had seen on tlc. It was kind of interesting though, so i listened. Plus he's my teacher, and he's short, so he's not quite as... he's more approachable. To me. Cuz I'm short. But yeah... plus he's way cool. Heh. But anyway... then everyone else went and sat in the park for lunch, while I tried to figure out some JavaScript, which I gave up on, and just began theorizing that Gary Condit thing again. He was on South Park last night, and I was totally thinking about that case very recently. When 911 happened, I figured he had something to do with it, just to get the attention off of him. But ANYWAY...

-listened to some Dane Cook.
-Cranberry Flats. Water cold.
-liquor store. cold shots. had one.
-back to Wes'.
-watched a guy gay porn movie. Haha. It was horrible...
-then... I came home. And watched all the cartoons that are on on a friday night on tbs. WOO.

And now... I guess I'll go to bed. 20 to 2. Yeah, sounds about right.

I wonder if Mandy will call me this weekend. 2 bucks she doesn't. What am I talking about, I don't have that kind of money anymore. :P

Think I'm going shopping with Dave tomorrow. Well... he wants me to drive him around, so I'm gonna make him give me money for gas. Cuz yeah.
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