Friday, April 17, 2009

From 27 to 4

Wow. I guess it's been almost 2 months... no, it has been two months, basically, since I started my medication and 6 weeks since I started counselling.

I went from 27 on that "depression test" to 4. Good. I'm proud of myself.

But I would like it better if I wasn't so crazy. I kicked my car on Tuesday cuz Jordan called me fat and I was really upset. And he just saw the dent this morning. And now everyone in the house probably knows and they didn't even say hi when I walked in. So, whatever. Fuck 'em. I'll probably spend the evening at my mom's house.


After that interruption from Jordan, I realize I shouldn't be so conceited. :P Not everyone cares about me and what I've done.

The Mercedes dealership stole $500 from Mike on top of the $500 they hadn't refunded to him yet, but said they did. And Jordan's not getting the Aura because he would have to pay another $2200 on the down payment, which we clearly can't afford. He was using the credit card to pay $1500 on the down payment. The $2200 was supposed to come from his truck, the trade-in or whatever. I dunno. Cuz he owes lots on it. But anyway, so no hybrid for us. Gas guzzling truck is where it's at.

Anyway, I still wish I hadn't kicked my car. Mandy was trying to help me get it out on Wednesday after we stopped by Curves to make an appointment, cuz apparently you need an appointment. :P Anyway, it's on Monday and we'll be awesome hot. :P Or at least healthy.

Anyway... the suction cup thing I bought didn't work and yesterday I actually got my hand behind the metal part... but I'm not strong enough to bend that shit. Well... my arm isn't. So I gotta take it somewhere I guess. I'm hoping it's not very much money. It probably will be, though.

Basement renovations are coming along. Drywall's arriving tomorrow and I asked Jordan to frame the bathroom so the plumber can come... I gotta buy that shower and a sink and a toilet. Sigh. Good old mom... lending me money. I love her so much. :D

Anyway... I gotta go appear like I'm not a psycho now and go downstairs, I guess. Meh.

Wait! I've been playing yo-yo with the cat. He loves it. It's hilarious. It's also helping my arm it feels like.. all muscly or something. Heh. Whatever. It's awesome. Yo-yos are the shit.
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