Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Reality check.

I've realized once again, that getting upset about stupid little things, like who is dating whom or what is ridiculous.
a) it's none of my business
and b) I just keep telling myself that that leaves more opportunity for someone else... sigh.

I'm way too infatuated with Ian. It's gettin creepy. Oh well. He's awesome and Irish, but no accent, but ... he's quite pretty. Heh. And so funny. Yeah. Blah.
We all saw the conservatives win coming. SIGH.

Monday, January 23, 2006



So... apparently this is the most depressing day of the year. It was actually a really nice day. Beautiful outside. I felt healthy. And good. Tomorrow I probably won't... especially if the Conservatives win.

Now I'm not particularly into politics... like to keep my distance. But I did take advantage of voting in the advanced... voting. Yeah. Wasn't that great. But why wouldn't I vote? It's free. And I can pretend I'm actually making a difference. Blah.

I didn't want to vote ndp... because I have my personal reasons... heh. But really... there was no one else. I could have voted liberal... but who wants to? They obviously need a break from power to get their shit together. And even if I had magical powers I don't think I could get the green party into government. Damn. :P No fucking way I was voting for that creepy smile guy. Stephen Harper. That's the principal from Boston Public. He pushes kids into lockers.

So I was left with only one. well... there was independant.. and the COMMUNIST PARTY. Yeah. I know. Wth? So whatever. Next time... it'll probably be liberal. But I can't tell you for sure. Hopefully in four years they'll be ready for the power to be placed back into their greedy hands. I'm not making any sense. Bye.

Still thinking about looking for those grad pics chelsi... haha. :P I'll probably do it later tonight... gonna watch election shit though... try to use my mind to control things... yeah. Or yell at the tv... and stuff. Bye.

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Sigh. Edward.

You Are Edward From "Edward Scissorhands."

You are very shy and often misunderstood. Innocent, sweet, and artistic, you like to pass your days by daydreaming and expressing yourself through the arts. You are a truly unique individual. Unfortunately, you are quite lonely, and few people truly understand you.

Take The Johnny Depp Quiz!

January is just flying by (thank god). School is still fine.

I forgot to add something to my last entry... or the entry before... I dunno. Somewhere I assuered myself I would not be in the same place as I was last year. Except I'll be in the same house. Yeah. Well, an add-on. I'll most likely still be in singledom which I don't exactly have a problem with... I guess. Whatever. Well I could go out with this one guy, but I don't want to, cuz he's... "too" nice you know... so it's like creepy. Yeah. Blah. I haven't talked to Kevin in a while... I don't think he ordered that shirt for me. Which is just the beginning of many disappointments, I'm sure. :P jk. Blah.

I'll just stick to knitting scarves and waiting for the Great Big Sea concert.

Hey. Maybe I could just start selling scarves... and when I learn how to knit mitts.. then those too. Hmm. People like scarves. Chris does still owe me 100 bucks. That bastard. Blah. Something's probably on tv right now...

Monday, January 16, 2006

The lyrics to Spitting Games.

I broke into your house last night
And left a note at your bedside
I'm far too shy to speak to you at school
You leave me numb and I'm not sure why

I find it easier to sit and stare
Than push my limbs out towards you right there
My heart is bursting in your perfect eyes
As blue as oceans and as pure as skies

I struggle for the words and then give up
My heads up with the birds on the t-hut
A little piece of mind that I know better
That the plain disgrace of all my letters

After that the floodgates opened up
And I fell in love with everyone I saw
Please take your time I'm not in any rush
And it's in everything I ever write

It's not as if I need the extra weight
Confused enough by life so thanks a lot
Lonely written words for company
Just raise the roof this once and follow me

Yep. Surely me. :P

This song is SO ME! Haha.

So, Mandy said "Spitting Games" by Snow Patrol reminded her of me. I listened to it, and started laughing cuz it's so true... well... the beginning anyway... I can't really understand the rest of the song, so I need to look up the words. Haha. :P

School's okay. Meh.

Gave my two weeks, but you know that already, Chelsi. heh. I'm updating! I forgot about this... I didn't even update my lj for like 8 days. I was impressed with myself. Hehe.

So I bought season one of Popular. I love that show... I spend too much money but oh well. Need to stop, cuz now I'm out of a job. Heh. Sigh. :P

I still haven't looked for my grad pics, and I need to send copies of the pics I took in NB to Val.

Bah. I've begun to knit a different scarf. It's going to be black and red, all stripy like if it works out. Which I hope it does, cuz it's for Mandy. Cuz she's moving in February.. sigh.

Well, now I can pretty much assure myself that I won't be where I was last year... excpet... same house, you know. But I meant... lifewise. Yeah. Okay. I'm done. Heh. Cya.
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