Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Oh deary me

I'm not fired. Which is good. My hours will be the ones I suggested to her. Awesome.

I bought most of my books for my classes. They're big. Especially bio. Sigh. But Mandy's in my class, so hopefully it won't be that bad.

Jordan and I are moving in together in January if everything works out and whatnot. Into a house. We're gonna get a house! :P Probably!

Hmm, what else? Oh, Mandy and I went wandering around campus today to find my classes. She's in her second year there. She knows it all. :P My guide. Heh.

I have to pay for my car insurance. And registration... not the same thing are they? Ha.

I have to start cleaning up after myself more... keeping things tidy. I will convince my mother I'm an adult now and am able to move out. cuz I want to. In January.

She's somewhat accepting of January because Jordan and I will have been going out for a year then. :P As she says... You met him on the internet! Mom... that doesn't mean anything. People who go on the internet are people too. They're not all creepy and wrong. Gawd. I mean... I go on there. :P

And how does she know that's where I met him? Has my brother been talking or is she more aware than I thought? :P

Anyway... that's about it. Good newsish all around. La†er. ††††††† ha.

Sunday, August 26, 2007

Will katy be jobless soon? Stay tuned!

Ooookay. Well... I think I might be getting fired, cuz I'm going back to school. That sucks, hey?

It's just... they posted the job again on the site I usually check for jobs... and... well... it says they have two openings due to students returning to university in the fall. Well... they most likely will not find someone as fast as me... and like... it's not like I didn't try to schedule my classes around work, which is totally the wrong way to go about it, apparently. This sucks.

Whatever though. I guess I can just go find some crappy job... that sucks.


Seriously, I hate looking for jobs. And like... you coulda told me you were just going to do this instead of making me wait two weeks wondering... fuck that. I should just quit if they're not firing me.

This is ridiculous.

Whatever though.

I think I'll probably email her, if there isn't something waiting for me when I get there. Psh. I deserve answers, you know? It's not like I haven't worked hard... it's not like my presence won't be missed there. I'm sure it will. She probably just wants to see if anyone applies. At all. Whatever.

They did that once before, and I don't think anyone responded.

Anyway, I suppose I will update again when I know what's going on. I don't wanna go work at Tim Horton's. that would suck so bad. SO BAD.

Wonder if Bentley would be hiring... or... anywhere in Market Mall.. hmm...

Anyway... whatever.

I'm pissed. And will be having to deal with a bit of confrontation tomorrow, by the end of it if not sooner. I think I'll wait til they come to me. Unless it's 130 and they haven't said anything. Hm.

Whatever. I'm now looking at other options. Bitches. FUCK. :P

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

They're the nicest kids in town.

Jordan's back! Hehe. He got back last night. I missed him.

He got me socks cuz I told him to. :P They're cute. Kinda big... but cute. My feet seem to be shrinking. I swear they used to be like a six and a half and now they're five and a half. It's weird. Maybe my shoes were just wacky. I dunno.

I bought high heels. They make me tall. :P went with Mandy looking for em. They suit me well, she said. :P Which is awesome.

I also saw a headband while we were out... ten bucks though... and I was like... are they actually back?... not that I care... but I might have to go buy it cuz it was green and really pretty and looked great on my round head. Hehe. :P It did, really. I love green. :P Anyway....

So yeah. I'm clearly learning to like being a girl, I guess. Weird. Maybe next year... dresses. Ooo. It's basically fall now, so it's way too cold. :P Plus, I don't think I'm ready for that. Hahahaha. :P Blah.

Jordan said his mom demanded that I go with him there at xmas. I've been thinking about that all day and how I reacted. I was like, she probably didn't say that at all. She was like ah, I don't care. Just another girlfriend... blah... or something. I do want to meet her though... I guess... she'd probably like me. Maybe. I'm nice.

Whatever. :P We'll see if I actually go. :P

School's gonna be such a huge bitch. Shit, I should really pick me term 2 classes. Crap. And go buy my books. Damn it. UGH! I don't know how this all works. :P Scared.

Friday, August 17, 2007

She's got the coolest hair!

Mom and I went to see Hairspray last night. That was my third time going while it's in the theatre. I think I like it... Hahahaha. fuck, it's so great. :P

I can't wait til it comes out on dvd, cuz I'm gonna watch it like all the fucking time, yo. Woot! :P

Jordan's gone now... so he doesn't know I've seen it three times... he left wednesday night. Not back til monday. Sent me a text message saying he bought me lots of stuff. Hehe. Awesome. :P He's great... I think he's having fun. Which is good. Very good. Yes.

So yeah. Just thought I'd mention I love Hairspray... and the soundtrack... and it's been way too long since I've been obsessed with a movie... :P

Oh and apparently, I won the tumbleweed worlds last weekend. Me and dad. Except I only sailed one of hte two days. Whatevs. I gets a medal. :P Oy. Might go to the lake tomorrow, but it seems like it might rain all weekend.. .meh.

Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Round 6

I was reading my February entries just now, cuz apparently they were very popular... :P... or something... I dunno. Stats. Weird things. Anyway!...

I read a part where it was like... something about me knowing that Jordan loves me more than I love him or something... and I'm like ha. Wow. How different we feel now, eh? Obviously, I've grown far more attached to this man than I ever thought I would be. It's kinda great. I think we love each other about the same... I don't think he ever thinks that I'm going to cheat on him though... when I got to Toronto...

It's awful, I know... that I think that. But like... well... He has a friend named Katy out there... yeah... same as mine... same age as me too. And they went out a long time ago. When she was like 16. Ew. He didn't know how old she was when he asked her out... so he says... but yeah. I dunno. They're always sending pictures of each other... well... okay, probably not always. He just decided to casually mention, as he pointed out a shirt (which I thought looked like a toddler's... HUGE buttons...) and he was like.. what do you think of this? And I was like it looks like a toddler's. It's got huge buttons. And he was like, Katy wears those. They look really good. She sent me a picture.

And I was like grr. :P

But whatever. I know that he would never though. I mean... she's in a relationship too, they just like each other, I guess. :P Friends and all.

So yeah... I'm just not going to think about anything while he's gone. I will keep myself very busy... hopefully.

I told my boss I'm going back to school, and they're going to see if they can accommodate my hours, or if they're going to try and find someone else to be full-time. I hope they figure something out where I can stay. I mean, it's not like I didn't try to get all night classes... I really did. there was nothing I wanted. :P I need a third class! :P Stupid psych. Blah... oh well. I still live with mother, so it's not like I actually need money... but gawd, it'd be nice.

Tuesday, August 07, 2007

I can hear the bells

I saw Hairspray for the second time this evening. Man, I need that soundtrack. :P

I just love it.

Went with Mandy. She loved it too. Yeah. :)

But yeah... I'm going to buy it sometime... possibly tomorrow, but I dunno. :P

I gotta stop buying so much shit. Oh well.

I'm nervous for school. :S I told that to Jordan last night and he was like aw, you'll be fine. I'll help you... then I glared a little... :P and he was like... but you won't need it. :P

Aw. Yeah... t'was eight months yesterday. Crazy, eh?

Totally. He's going to Toronto for a few days next week. Coolness. :P I guess... I'll probably miss him... meh. Time for bed. I'm so sleepy.

Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Oh Wednesdays...

I just downloaded like... the second country song I've ever downloaded. :P

I heard it today after I logged some news.

Lot of the stations here are country... apparently... :P

But it's good. I like it anyway... it's Michelle Branch and some other girl... formed a group... weird. I was surprised when I found that out... but yeah. I like it. Called Tennessee... by the wreckers.


I think I just haven't heard enough country iin the past... 8... years... :P

I like it, I can't help it. I'm from Saskatchewan. :P

I've been seeing a lot of movies with Jessica. We saw Hairspray on Saturday and then last night we went to see Knocked Up. She liked it... I thought it was "okay." Scared me though. :P And I was like... sheesh... never. :P

I'm nervous for school to start.

Like, real nervous. Like... terribly nervous. Oh well...

My dad still doesn't know I'm going. Ha. Yeah, that's how often I talk to him... and about me... and actual facts of what's going on... perhaps I should tell him?... meh.

I also got another Jann Arden son... at seventeen... which kept playing before those movies we saw. Yeah. It's pretty... She's great.

I need to start walking more or something. Or eating less. Cuz I'm gaining ewight again. Which sucks. Bah! Pff.

I feel totally uninspired lately... it kinda sucks. But whatever, yo. I really need to phone my stepmom tomorrow... if I'm not doing anything... sigh. I feel so bad, it's been so long... gah. :S She's gonna be mad at me... except probably not... ah well.
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