Monday, April 30, 2007

Wannabe Mountains

This morning was weird. I woke up... when my alarm went. Strange, yes. But there's more. :P I looked out the window... and the clouds were so dark they looked like mountains. Cuz closer clouds (and puffier and whiter) were moving quickly in front. Dark ones weren't moving like at all... or at least super slow. Anyway.. I went down and got my camera. :P Cuz I was like this is really weird and neat... And it was you know... 5:30 in the morning. So I took pictures. And then I went and told my mom and made her get out of bed to see. She wasn't that impressed. But I was. And that's all that matters. Just so you know, where I live. It's totally flat. With hills... in the south, but I'm not exactly near those. :P

I just realized... if I wanted to be annoying, I could start making my 'a's like this 'å/Å' and my 't's like this '†'. Weird. I'm trying attempting to make Jordan a mixed tape for his car... and then I found Thriller on tape... thinking I'll let him borrow that... cuz... well when I first met him, he told me it was illegal in some countries to not own the Thriller album. I believed him for the tiniest split second. :P Yeah, I'm an idiot.

Thursday, April 26, 2007

She emailed me today and said she hired someone with more experience in the printing end of things. Meh. That's cool. I guess. Haha. No, really... I'm good with the job I have now, and I would have felt sooo bad if I had quit already... cuz... yeah. I dunno. It's really not that bad. Plus, I have such little contact with humans... it's great! It really is... I told her I would have been okay with the customer helping end of things, but really... I'm not sure. :P I think she could sense that tooo. haha. I'm a big liar.

I hate interviews. but I'm somewhat relieved I didn't get it. Not ready for that kinda work, just yet I don't think. I dunno. I'm thinking of taking another course... perhaps one for AutoCAD... so it'll actually be true. though i do vaguely remember the program... I mean I took it for four years in high school, it can't all be gone... but... still. :P

Sunday, April 22, 2007

Omg, almost a week. I'm a jerk.


She must have liked what she saw, or had few applicants... I have an interview on wednesday. I spent the weekend buying new clothes. With the help of my fashionable boyfriend Jordan. :P I hate that. :P Haha. Although, reaffirmation is nice when you're not sure if pants look good on you or not... bleh. Hate pants shopping. Shirt shopping I'm okay at... not pants though. Anyway... spent a lot of money. But that's okay, cuz I have a job... that pays me! It's super. :P

But yeah... when I look at the thing I posted in my last entry I'm all... wow... I'm kinda good. :P I should do more shit like that and build an even better portfolio. Meh. I really want that job. Sigh.

I framed two more calendar pictures. They're old movie posters. They look really good. I have too many pictures.

I want to move out. In with Jordan. Pretty badly, actually. My mother turned her nose up at pretty much everything I bought... But it doesn't matter what she thinks. But... it's annoying. She's just jealous at my youngness. :P er... youth.


Whatevah. Shower time, and then bed time. So freakin' tired. :(

but first. Jordan's trying to convince me to buy a 42 inch plasma tv on sale at where else... wal mart. :P I hate how he can talk me into almost anything... it sucks. :P I've always been that way... with pretty much everyone. I try to make people happy. And hopefully I'll never go broke because of it. :P By the way, the tv would be staying at his house. But I would own it... so if we ever did break up (god forbid, haha)... it'd still be mine. Obviously. Just like with the tv he has in his house now. Still hasn't paid me back. He will. he will. I'm letting him build up his money first. He did just move... But yeah. Shower. cya.

Monday, April 16, 2007

Sigh... I hope she likes them.

So this is what I just sent Cindy Moleski. *raises eyebrows repeatedly*

Eh? Ugly? Awful? ... beautiful?

I like 3 of them. :) And the other's concept... with Lorelie... from Gilmore Girls. I just... didn't execute it that well. Ah well.

Of course, I sent them to her seperately... layers intact as she requested. :P Hehe. God, I hope she likes them... and thinks I'm awesome. Bah...

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Now, honestly...

I have a question.

Is it possible to have too many pictures?...

... truthfully... too many? :P

By the way, they all surround my desk... it's inspiring. Except not at all, cuz I still haven't started on that possibly prize winning cover entry, damn it. Must start. Must win! :P It'd just be nice to win, cuz that might be like... the push. needed. Needed. :P

Monday, April 09, 2007

Your ability to learn new things is one of the great things about your current situation. Who knew that you'd be so good with the accordion? Or how much you'd like belly dancing? Learning is expanding.

That was my horoscope today. Yeah. Freaky. I was playing the accordion yesterday... showed my mom I could play Blowin' in the wind. Hahahaha. She was like... right...

On a side note... work kinda sucked today. Just... cuz.

Friday, April 06, 2007

4 months today. It seems a lot longer than a third of a year... :P

It is a long time. Geez.

Anyway... I'm picking him up some mcnuggets :P cuz I'm nice like that. And I'm home because I needed to check my email. Heh... yeah... off I go I guess. I've been home almost an hour :P. I suck. Hahahaha. Oh computer... I love you.

Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Oh, love's gonna get you down...

I love the fact that at work... I had come across, while I was doing a transcript... or logging... whatever... listening to the radio station in moose jaw... and I came across the song that goes like... Honey doo doo doo doo doo doo sugar doo doo doo doo doo doo... and I still know when it was at. I got back there ever now and then when I have a moment and need a song. :P

I love that song. I think it's one of my favourites, actually.

I listened to it twice today. :P

It makes me smile, and totally reminds me of Shawna... when we were walking in downtown Dalmeny to the store or something... we were like 10 and she started singing it... and I was like... you're weird. :P

Good times...

Friday is four months since we started going out. That's so fucked up. :P

Especially cuz I almost kicked him out of my car yesterday... he was pissing me... well... we were pissing each other off... you know when people just pick and pick at you... until you 'splode? :P Yeah. That's what we were doing. Anyway, I just asked him to stop and I would too. And that worked fine. I guess... blah. For some reason everything is still always my fault... I will fix that though. I managed to point that one thing out that one time... that was nice... :P

... I wish that would happen again... or that I was more... um... better with words.

I finally watched Happy Feet. It was weird, but soooo cute and I kept screaming at parts.... cuz... gawd, whales are assholes... :P it was so cute though... almost made me cry. Almost. Yeah...

Oh, I need to start on this thing... there's always the Fringe Festival here... it's where they have a bunch of plays for a week and ... well... it's basically for hippies :P but they're having a contest for a design of the ad in the paper. So I'm gonna try to make one. Cuz you win like 10 play passes... and they're so expensive and not usually worth even the ... it was once 5 bucks... but... yeah. :P But it'd be nice to see em for free... and have a byline in the paper! :P Haha. Meh. I have to come up with something first though. Yeah. Alrighty... I guess that's it.

Monday, April 02, 2007

Katy's in love and it scares her still...

I'm talking to Wesley on msn... and he asked me if it was wrong that he wants to be in love with someone older than him... and i was like... how old?... and he was like... not 40... and I'm like... whoa. And I wanted to say yes wesley... very wrong. And then I remembered how I didn't really want to go out with Jordan at first cuz he was... you know... five years older. But then I fell in love with him... so that's what I told Wesley, I told him... I dunno... I think sometimes you can't really help who you love, wesley...

and it turned out to be exactly what he wanted to hear. :P

And then I realized I've turned into a complete sap. A huge sap.

I want to live with Jordan. I hate leaving him to come home... I really do. I just want to hug him... sigh.

Yep. Sap. Sheesh...

Only a few months... maybe... I need him to pay me back before I can live with him though. :P And he just moved, cuz I told him he could move before he paid me back... cuz I hated his other place. :P So... yeah... ah well.

I dunno...

I'm so back into pop music. Scary.
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