Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Oh, love's gonna get you down...

I love the fact that at work... I had come across, while I was doing a transcript... or logging... whatever... listening to the radio station in moose jaw... and I came across the song that goes like... Honey doo doo doo doo doo doo sugar doo doo doo doo doo doo... and I still know when it was at. I got back there ever now and then when I have a moment and need a song. :P

I love that song. I think it's one of my favourites, actually.

I listened to it twice today. :P

It makes me smile, and totally reminds me of Shawna... when we were walking in downtown Dalmeny to the store or something... we were like 10 and she started singing it... and I was like... you're weird. :P

Good times...

Friday is four months since we started going out. That's so fucked up. :P

Especially cuz I almost kicked him out of my car yesterday... he was pissing me... well... we were pissing each other off... you know when people just pick and pick at you... until you 'splode? :P Yeah. That's what we were doing. Anyway, I just asked him to stop and I would too. And that worked fine. I guess... blah. For some reason everything is still always my fault... I will fix that though. I managed to point that one thing out that one time... that was nice... :P

... I wish that would happen again... or that I was more... um... better with words.

I finally watched Happy Feet. It was weird, but soooo cute and I kept screaming at parts.... cuz... gawd, whales are assholes... :P it was so cute though... almost made me cry. Almost. Yeah...

Oh, I need to start on this thing... there's always the Fringe Festival here... it's where they have a bunch of plays for a week and ... well... it's basically for hippies :P but they're having a contest for a design of the ad in the paper. So I'm gonna try to make one. Cuz you win like 10 play passes... and they're so expensive and not usually worth even the ... it was once 5 bucks... but... yeah. :P But it'd be nice to see em for free... and have a byline in the paper! :P Haha. Meh. I have to come up with something first though. Yeah. Alrighty... I guess that's it.


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