Monday, November 06, 2006

That bastard. I swear he has like... psychic powers or something. I think I said if he didn't email me by tuesday I would get over him. Well. He emailed me today. Probably because I emailed him yet again, last night... about random things, but with slight interest in how his life is going. :P

So yeah. Just can't let myself get rid of him I guess.

I think I asked him to a movie. Although we had already discussed going to see pirates 2. It's not at rainbow yet, and we're both cheap. :P But yeah. When it gets there, we're going and I'M PAYING. Urgh. So I don't have to feel guilty. Bah.

I had so much trouble getting out of bed this morning. Ugh. And then, no one was there at school for like an hour, I had asked some other teacher to open the door. Bah. So I tried to polish up my resume... I don't want to leave that place. :P I should phone telus... but I'd rather just do it in the morning... sigh. Just to give it another day, so that for surely hopefully the payment will have gone through and I won't have to phone yet again. Sigh. Hmm... I'll phone tomorrow afternoon. :P

So yes... apparently c-dumbass hasn't realized that I deleted him from msn, cuz he still has me on his list. Fool. Bahahahahahaha. :P I should stop checking it. But I'm just obsessive like that.

I'm reading "I'm Dancing as Fast as I Can" right now... and it's so amazing. And frustrating. The way she just put up with that guy calling her a bitch all the time... for a little while. man, i would fucking flip out. I guess she did though, but not cuz of that. Hmm. I'm not done it yet, so don't ruin it for me. :P I wanna watch the movie afterwards too.

So I have to go back to school, yet again, tomorrow. To burn my stuff on a disc. And... I dunno. Fix up my resume moreso. And get rid of the cover letter in my pdf. I'm dumb. Like, why would I want that on there? Sheesh. It's to display things, I don't need the cover letter in there, gawd, I'm moronic sometimes. or just rushed. Yeah, let's go with that.

The Wonder Years is on soon. I must go. Toodles.


Blogger Dreamlover said...

I've never heard of it,its a good book?

Start looking for a job!!

And ask Kevin OUT!!!

November 06, 2006 5:58 PM  
Blogger Katy said...

Yeah, it's good. Well... I'm liking it so far.

I will, I will.

And... I sort of not really did. We don't go on dates. We go to movies. And he gives me things. It's the foundation our relationship is built on. Oh man, I'm horrible. :P and slightly kidding.

November 06, 2006 7:36 PM  

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