Sunday, November 05, 2006

Guess what I did today. Deleted and blocked that idiot from my msn list. I finally realized it was insanely pointless to keep on there, plus I hate him... have no need to ever speak to him again... and... hm. Well he just makes me mad. :)

So yeah. Oy oy.

Let's see. Vancouver was good. Nothing really amazing happened.

Um. Kevin still hasn't emailed me back... I emailed him something about sea otters and going blind on Thursday night while I was in Vancouver... but no response yet. He might rarely check his gmail. Hm.

While I was gone I thought so much about him... I don't know why. But now that I'm back I'm like... do I really even like him? I do. He's super. But... like... would I wanna... ya know. Heh. :P Well if he emails me back by Tuesday... we'll see. I have a feeling I'm going to be ecstatic when/if he emails me back. I should really ask him more questions about what's going on his life instead of random sentences... strung together by... randomness. And boredom. Hmm. I should put more thought into the things I say to him if I want him to like me. Whatever.

I don't know what I'm going to do tomorrow. I think in the morning... I'll get up... phone telus again and see if brin's payment went through so the phone can be mine... (this girl in my class gave me her cell phone cuz she was going on a trip for like... a year or so)... and hopefully it'll... have gone through. And then if it all works out, I'll go to school... take some blank discs with me, get everthing sorted out. And junk. And then go look for a job. Hm. Sounds fun. And terrifying. Oh god.

I don't wanna go to school too early, because if no one's there, I don't wanna sit in the hall or have to go ask someone to open the door, that's just lame... :P

Whatever. Boys are dumb. Jobs are dumb. Life is dumb.

I bought a bunch of candy tonight, cuz it was soooo cheap and my mom was like KATY! UURGH. Heh. Oh well.

I'm a pig, it's true, I need to start doing sit ups again. Not that I ever did that many to begin with. :P But I sorta tried. Hmm. Yeah...


Blogger Dreamlover said...

I am sooo glad that you have blocked him finally!!

You have the strength!! you did it, wooohooo!!

lol ;0)

November 06, 2006 5:59 PM  
Blogger Katy said...

:P I had him blocked on and off for a while. I just decided to delete him finally. :P And haha, thanks. :P

November 06, 2006 7:39 PM  

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