Sunday, December 02, 2007

two weeks!

In two weeks, I will be living in my brand new house. ... Our brand new house. :P Really need to get used to saying that, I guess. So yep. Yay, debt!

It's gorgeous. Don't worry, I'll post pictures when we get in there. :P

I know I haven't updated a lot... sorry... just had a lot of things going on I guess. Classes are hard... and finals have come... my first is on Wednesday. Blah. Shouldn't be that bad though, it's anthropology. But yeah! Umm...

Apparently Jordan's friend from Toronto is going to be moving here in january and he will be living with us... joy of joys... but I understand the financial help would be great... leaving us more money for the house and bills and whatever... food? :P It'll just be... interesting. Of course, Jordan asked me if I was okay with it... like two months ago. It was brought up again on Monday and... well... insults from my mouth flew like there was no tomorrow cuz I can't argue civilly. :P But anyway... what's done is done and he'll be living with us... for how long is unclear... Jordan wants him to live with us forever, but I really doubt he'll be able to stand us for that long. :P Especially me... but yeah. So... hmm. At least two months, I'd say. :P Haha. I kind of doubt he'll be able to stand the cold too so... yeah. Not that I don't like him, he's really nice... but... well... he's a lot like Jordan... and well... I love one, two is really hard to take... :P... you know? Luckily... I'll have my own office, so I can retreat. And whatever. So... hopefully that plan won't change cuz i'm looking forward to doing whatever I want with it... you know? :P... we won't have a guest bedroom apparently though then... because, well, it'll be Mike's. We'll just wait it out and see how it goes though, right? It'll be fine. He's nice... and hopefully not... um... too attached to being around the house a lot. :P... cough.

I'm scared, of course, but it'll be fine. I hope.

Of course it will be.... "I can't ever see breaking up with you, Katy, and I don't want to." Or something like that. He's just... really great... Jordan is... :P I'm excited about the house... not so much the roommate, but we'll see how it goes. You know, the roommate I'm not going to marry one day.


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