Tuesday, January 30, 2007


Honestly... I can't believe it.

OH! We totally went to a pawnshop today and I found Angus! Yeah. I totally watched it. Totally fell back in love with it. Omg. SOOOOOOOO CUTE! AHHHH! :P And I was talking to Kevin later on in the afternoon... and I told him about my adventure there... and he was like... "I think I got that movie for xmas one year... can't say i've ever watched it though, but I'll look for it next time I'm home." Ah! How weird is that? I thought my brother and I were the only ones who knew it existed. Although they used to show it on tbs from time to time... more than a few years ago. :P I FUCKING LOVE THAT MOVIE! It's totally up there with Casper in my favourites. It really is. It also has an amazing soundtrack... in my opinion anyway. Yay, 90's music! :P Mmm. And I LOVE the song at the beginning that the marching band plays with. Shit. Just. Cool. Haha. I am so lame! Ah! :P

And... something scary... that I couldn't stop giggling at. Angus kinda looks like Jordan. Well... face structure... sorta. Kinda. I dunno. I thought it was weird. And that might be why I love him so much. Heh. Or... just that he's... pretty freakin awesome. And. Yeah?

My first day of not being a virgin anymore was... the same as any other day, cuz I kinda forgot it happened. Hahaha. :P Or maybe I just wanted to forget... oh well! It was so fun. I'm really glad I waited for someone that I love though. :P That was corny. And lame. But true. It's almost like you wanna tell everyone, but at the same time you're like... no, it's none of their business. :P You know? Haha. Yeah... yeah. I need to go on the pill... exciting, eh? Oh, and my inability to swallow pills has resurfaced. Isn't that fun? Yeah. Totally. I think I just can't drink the whatever's washing it down out of my water bottle, cuz the liquid's usually too far away... and I get nervous.. haha... and... yeah. Chaos ensues. But yes.

Oh... and I might buy half of a ps3 for Jordan. For his bday and xmas. I sincerely hope we're together that long. Can't see why we wouldn't be. He's mad about me. :P I hope... haha. Of course he is. Who wouldn't be? I'm amazing. :P Apparently, I was amazing.. hahahahahaha. Ew. :P And then I ask myself how is that even possible... I didn't do a damn thing... but whatever. I'm going to shut up now, before all these anonymous folk know too much. :P... maybe I should move my blog? I think Jaimie has the right idea... like... ooo what if I moved it like... once a month? Wouldn't that be a pain? YEAH! IT WOULD! Whatever. I don't really care. Unless you are someone I know in real life. Then I'm a bit embarrassed. :P I'm a bit embarrassed anyway... but... ya know. Heh...


Blogger Dreamlover said...

lmao, I know what you mean. It's kinda cool and exciting to have people reading your blog and then it's like panic, who are these people?

I am almost 100% sure that another prof at my old school is reading it and someone at my law school is reading it as well and I have no idea who and I am shitting a brick thinking about it, haha

January 30, 2007 11:27 PM  

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