Monday, January 22, 2007

rings and tv.

It was either Friday or Saturday... friday, i think. Anyway... Jordan gave me a ring. A man ring, but a ring none the less. Heh. Um... Yeah, I saw it on his coffee table (mandy and I were discussing whether it was strategically placed or not... it may have been.. heh) anyway, so I grabbed it and tried it on, and he's like do you want that? And I was like yeah. So he gave it to me. I'm not wearing it right now... it feels weird without it. But oh well.

I'm becoming very attached to this man. Very. Sickeningly so. :P

And... I need to go write cover letters.

I sent Kevin an email to tell him how excited I am about tonight cuz heroes is on. Finally. :P I'm a loser. Oh well. I had to tell someone! Someone who watches it too! Ah! I'M SO EXCITED ABOUT IT!!! :P It's such a bad show... but addictive. Like... pretty much all tv. Except of course... um... well House isn't bad. Quite good... though I've only seen it like twice. And... um... what else isn't bad... omg, the other day I saw an episode of malcolm in the middle that I had never seen. It was awesome! Oh, law and order isn't bad. Original and SVU. I don't like criminal intent... I just... don't. Meh. CSI isn't bad either. Love that shit. Umm... hmm. Price is right is awesome! And... uh... hm. I can't think of anything else right now.


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