Monday, November 13, 2006

Triangle Man hates Person Man

Ha. You know... it's funny. When you're addicted to something it's always hard to get over it.

I almost went 3 days without signing into that site. :P I signed in with the mindset, he won't have looked at my profile. He did. Today. Seriously, I think he's just... hmm. I dunno. Whatever.

In a sick way, it's kind of nice. Especially when Kevin goes offline after I told him I'd be back after Heroes was over... :P Like... when i came back he was on, but then signed out. Why? I dunno. Maybe I've been talking to him too much? Probably. I'm beginning to get attached. Sigh. Groan. Ha. I almost wrote grown. As in grown up. Which is what I am not.

So yeah. I'm still not done even one of those cover letters. :P I can't focus. It's awful. And... yeah. I have a massive pile of laundry to do. Which I also should have done during the day... but... we all know I'm lazy.

I need to start leaving the house once in a while. :P I need a job. Which means I need to finish those cover letters... cuz most of them are gonna be faxed... and really, it's just nicer to get a resume with a cover letter. Perhaps explaining why you were in school for a year and want a job at a candy store... hm.

In conclusion: I'm just way too fuckin' lazy.


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