Saturday, November 11, 2006

It begins...

Okay. Since everyone has redesigned their blogs, I thought I'd spruce mine up a bit. Bear with me, it's late, and... that's a lot of html to go through before I completely understand how blogger works, and then... gonna fix it up awesome. I know it's hard to look at. I didn't think the orange was really all that bright. but it is. oops. Ha. But anyway... I like my banner... although it all looks like halloween. Might as well have made them pumpkins. But whatever. So just... bear with me. This may take a while. ha. but seeing as I have no job, and no commitments for the time being... hopefully it won't take that long. Now, I need to get off the computer cuz I've been on it all day. Ugh.

edit. not that hard to look at anymore. Changed the background color... and made the visited links etc darker instead of lighter... yeah? I dunno. It's growing on me. Needs work though. But I like it so far. I wonder why I chose orange instead of green... oh well. Orange. Yay. Well... actually I didn't choose green, because the two people i know of who redesigned BOTH used green. Haha. So... be different. Yeah. :P Those two people were geeksters and Jaimie. I like both their new templates, but... just couldn't bring myself to do green too. (Okay, there's not so much green on geeksters'... but... still. There is some green. I love green though, don't get me wrong. It's my favourite colour.) Haha. Oh well. Next time. Maybe. If there aren't too many greens out there. :P G'night.


Blogger Dreamlover said...

I really like your new design, its cool!!

November 11, 2006 10:39 PM  
Blogger Katy said...

Thanks! took way too long to do... heh. :P

November 12, 2006 2:23 PM  

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