Monday, September 11, 2006

Mother fucker...

My predicament: apparently Collin has a new email address... he's still on my msn... and no, he's not blocked anymore. We have an understanding. Don't talk to me. Ha.

But anyway... do I add his new email? the answer? No. If he wants his damn poems back he can figure out how to get a hold of me. In a non-stalkery way I HOPE! Ugh. What a douche.

In other news: My website is due on thursday. i really should have worked on it a bit tonight, but I haven't a clue how to make it better... I mean... it's WAY better than it was before I took it over... but... meh?

but yeah, that's totallly one of my pet peeves. When people put their new email as their msn name and expect people to add them... instead of just switching everyone over. God. So annoying. Mandy did that too... like... you're the one who changed it, obviously there's people you don't wanna talk to... just do it yourself.

Wow, how does he get under my skin so? Probably because he's a fucking retard. And I have no idea why I... tried to convince myself I liked him... again. Hahahaha.

Oh well.

And that's why I don't change my email. It's too much work... and I have a lot of saved emails and don't want to abandon my email. Yeah... I'm creepy. :P Bah.

I think all I have to do for my site is just add pictures... but how? in what way? which ones? OH GOOD LORD! Shit. Whatever, I'll figure it out. I guess. Sigh.

Maybe I should just block him. And never speak to him again. Haha. Wow, is this really bitterness? It can't be. I had no feelings for him... well I must have a little cuz I kissed him... but I just wanted him to leave... seriously. Fucker. Whatevs. I'm exhausted of dealing with things... and stuff. And Pete is growing some kind of beard and it's so not appealing. :P Hahahaha.

K. Stop thinking about boys.

Not that anyone needs to know, but... my visits are a lot less painful now... I can't figure out why. My mom says it's because I lost all that weight... but... they're so much more bearable. I love it. Haha. Well, I don't love it, but I love not writhing on the couch in pain... it's nice. And yes. So yay for that, yay for gonna make a movie with some classmates... yay for... being free, maybe forever(!), and... yay for... sweet delicious cheese. :P Well, it's not sweet, but you know what I mean. Done.


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