Sunday, September 03, 2006

Decipher this!

All right. I know I probably said something along the lines of I would never talk about Collin again. Well... whatever. For some reason that is beyond me I still talk to him... and he actually came over this evening and we watched a movie.

But anyway... here's the msn conversation after the movie. Okay. See if you can decipher this goddamn boy code. :P

Collin~ are you suggesting that coconuts migrate? says: (1:14:56 AM)
hey there katy

¤•~Kªty~•¤ says: (1:15:22 AM)
hey there collin

¤•~Kªty~•¤ says: (1:15:25 AM)

Collin~ are you suggesting that coconuts migrate? says: (1:15:54 AM)
not bad it was good seeing you tonite

¤•~Kªty~•¤ says: (1:16:37 AM)

¤•~Kªty~•¤ says: (1:16:53 AM)
did you like the movie? ...

Collin~ are you suggesting that coconuts migrate? says: (1:17:15 AM)
it definately made me loosen up alittle

¤•~Kªty~•¤ says: (1:17:38 AM)

Collin~ are you suggesting that coconuts migrate? says: (1:19:37 AM)
honestly katy i dunno whats going on with me.....i'm all over the place.....i'm looking for somewhere or someone to help me find who i am.....and i'm just very confused right now.....

Collin~ are you suggesting that coconuts migrate? says: (1:19:50 AM)
if i have seemed to be acting weird lately

¤•~Kªty~•¤ says: (1:21:19 AM)

Collin~ are you suggesting that coconuts migrate? says: (1:21:52 AM)
i'm sorry if i've made you feel like i don't want to see you

¤•~Kªty~•¤ says: (1:22:35 AM)
no, i don't think i thought that...

¤•~Kªty~•¤ says: (1:22:36 AM)

Collin~ are you suggesting that coconuts migrate? says: (1:24:32 AM)
honestly if you had more confidence and saying collin i'm the best girl you'll ever meet....i'd probaly believe you on that...

¤•~Kªty~•¤ says: (1:26:14 AM)
well i dunno

¤•~Kªty~•¤ says: (1:26:18 AM)
wait, what?...

Collin~ are you suggesting that coconuts migrate? says: (1:28:04 AM)
i'm not counting you out of who i want in my life saying that....i want to know how you feel about how you see me

¤•~Kªty~•¤ says: (1:29:44 AM)
what do you mean?... 

Collin~ are you suggesting that coconuts migrate? says: (1:30:20 AM)
how do you feel when you see me or are around me

¤•~Kªty~•¤ says: (1:31:43 AM)
hmm... good?... i dunno. not really any different than when i'm by myself. i enjoy being by myself... by the way... yeah...

Collin~ are you suggesting that coconuts migrate? says: (1:32:25 AM)
no thats all i was wondering

¤•~Kªty~•¤ says: (1:32:59 AM)

Collin~ are you suggesting that coconuts migrate? says: (1:33:59 AM)
take a guess

¤•~Kªty~•¤ says: (1:36:27 AM)
well i'm... i mean i like hanging out with you and stuff... i just thought we were gonna be friends though. i don't wanna like... rush into anything with you, because... i really... i dunno. you may feel lonely but i... hmm. yeah. we sorta tried that already. and. it didn't work. but you need time and i wanna give that to you. so i'm sort of... trying to keep my distance a little i guess...?

¤•~Kªty~•¤ says: (1:36:36 AM)
i really hope that's what you meant... oh god. 

Collin~ are you suggesting that coconuts migrate? says: (1:37:20 AM)
lol......i just want to see how comfortable you are around me

¤•~Kªty~•¤ says: (1:37:41 AM)
haha. crap. 

¤•~Kªty~•¤ says: (1:37:44 AM)
i'm fine.

Collin~ are you suggesting that coconuts migrate? says: (1:38:21 AM)
no katy....i honestly can stop thinking of you....

Collin~ are you suggesting that coconuts migrate? says: (1:38:36 AM)

Collin~ are you suggesting that coconuts migrate? says: (1:38:38 AM)

¤•~Kªty~•¤ says: (1:38:40 AM)

¤•~Kªty~•¤ says: (1:38:49 AM)
dunno why...

¤•~Kªty~•¤ says: (1:39:04 AM)
you're probably just lonely... or maybe i'm just that awesome... i really don't know

Collin~ are you suggesting that coconuts migrate? says: (1:39:17 AM)
probaly alittle of both

¤•~Kªty~•¤ says: (1:39:29 AM)

¤•~Kªty~•¤ says: (1:40:02 AM)

Collin~ are you suggesting that coconuts migrate? says: (1:40:49 AM)
and also i wanted to keep my options open and to make sure you are who i want in my life

¤•~Kªty~•¤ says: (1:41:25 AM)

¤•~Kªty~•¤ says: (1:41:37 AM)

Collin~ are you suggesting that coconuts migrate? says: (1:42:14 AM)
i wanted to make sure you were the one that makes me the happiest out of anyone i meet

¤•~Kªty~•¤ says: (1:43:04 AM)
how many people are you meeting? 

¤•~Kªty~•¤ says: (1:43:06 AM)

Collin~ are you suggesting that coconuts migrate? says: (1:43:42 AM)
i've probaly met like 3 girls....didn't go very well

¤•~Kªty~•¤ says: (1:44:15 AM)
that's too bad...

Collin~ are you suggesting that coconuts migrate? says: (1:44:27 AM)

Collin~ are you suggesting that coconuts migrate? says: (1:45:01 AM)
ya shucks (snaps fingers)

¤•~Kªty~•¤ says: (1:46:15 AM)

Collin~ are you suggesting that coconuts migrate? says: (1:46:52 AM)
no yeah i want friends right now

¤•~Kªty~•¤ says: (1:47:02 AM)
yeah, i know

Collin~ are you suggesting that coconuts migrate? says: (1:47:36 AM)
and if you are interested in dating i'll keep that in mind......and you'll be the one i get back to on that

¤•~Kªty~•¤ says: (1:47:58 AM)
lmao. um, right

¤•~Kªty~•¤ says: (1:48:09 AM)
... sorry...

Collin~ are you suggesting that coconuts migrate? says: (1:48:32 AM)
i think i'm saying too much or something.....fatigue

¤•~Kªty~•¤ says: (1:48:45 AM)
mhm... fatigue...

Collin~ are you suggesting that coconuts migrate? says: (1:48:56 AM)
i dunno

Collin~ are you suggesting that coconuts migrate? says: (1:49:38 AM)
i find i'm getting dumber and dumber......

¤•~Kªty~•¤ says: (1:50:38 AM)
well i dunno. i'm sort of confused, i guess. if you just want to be my friend, which i totally agree with, why do you keep asking me how i feel about you?...

Collin~ are you suggesting that coconuts migrate? says: (1:51:40 AM)
i dunno i think it's an insurity issue of mine

¤•~Kªty~•¤ says: (1:51:51 AM)

Collin~ are you suggesting that coconuts migrate? says: (1:51:57 AM)

¤•~Kªty~•¤ says: (1:52:03 AM)
heh, yeah... i knew what you meant

Collin~ are you suggesting that coconuts migrate? says: (1:52:50 AM)
i try to make myself someone who you can be comfortable around

¤•~Kªty~•¤ says: (1:53:02 AM)
why don't you just be yourself?

Collin~ are you suggesting that coconuts migrate? says: (1:53:33 AM)
no like i'm still within myself but to bring different things out

¤•~Kªty~•¤ says: (1:53:46 AM)

Collin~ are you suggesting that coconuts migrate? says: (1:54:04 AM)
anywho i'm digging a pretty big hole....

¤•~Kªty~•¤ says: (1:54:14 AM)
heh, not that big...

¤•~Kªty~•¤ says: (1:54:17 AM)
but... meh

Collin~ are you suggesting that coconuts migrate? says: (1:54:24 AM)
i'm still digging

Collin~ are you suggesting that coconuts migrate? says: (1:54:28 AM)
which isn't good

¤•~Kªty~•¤ says: (1:55:27 AM)
well... sometimes you just confuse the crap outta me...

Collin~ are you suggesting that coconuts migrate? says: (1:55:43 AM)
i get that alot

Collin~ are you suggesting that coconuts migrate? says: (1:56:10 AM)
i know what i want to say but it comes out in a different arrangement

¤•~Kªty~•¤ says: (1:56:17 AM)

Collin~ are you suggesting that coconuts migrate? says: (1:57:00 AM)
but ya i'm going to head to bed here....and ya.....try to get my head on straight tomorrow

Collin~ are you suggesting that coconuts migrate? says: (1:57:01 AM)

¤•~Kªty~•¤ says: (1:57:09 AM)

¤•~Kªty~•¤ says: (1:57:10 AM)

¤•~Kªty~•¤ says: (1:57:11 AM)

Collin~ are you suggesting that coconuts migrate? says: (1:57:16 AM)
you have a good nite and take care katy

¤•~Kªty~•¤ says: (1:57:20 AM)

¤•~Kªty~•¤ says: (1:57:21 AM)

"honestly if you had more confidence and saying collin i'm the best girl you'll ever meet....i'd probaly believe you on that..." and "and if you are interested in dating i'll keep that in mind......and you'll be the one i get back to on that". How in the fuck do those two things, that came from the same person, to the same person, fit together? Jesus. What the hell. Why do I still talk to this assface? I dunno. I've obviously got some unresolved issues. And low self confidence, that I think I deserve this sort of treatment. Being placed on the burner, if you will, just in case... not cool. Although that might be what I'm doing with Kevin... I don't mean to. He hasn't talk to me in a while... hmm. He probably bought that air hockey table though, and has his friends over... his friends. Hmm. I don't think I'd like to meet them. :P They seem jerkish. But most boys are, I'd have to say.

But yes. When I was talking to Collin I started to get a hankering for some Casper watching. Now, let me explain... whenever I want to watch that movie.. it means I'm sad. Like... super sad. Or getting sad. And... tears usuallly ensue. Luckily not this time though. Whew. My eyes are really heavy. Seeing as it's almost 230 in the ay em. Hmm. Goodnight. We'll talk about things tomorrow...

Oh, and "i'm sorry if i've made you feel like i don't want to see you"... what did he mean by this? See me in what way? I thought he meant friends... blah!

I wanna talk to Kevin... :P That probably means I like him, right? Or miss him... somewhat. I haven't seen him since x3. Hmm. He's way too nice to me. Why am I so nice to the assholes, but not to the sweethearts? Well, that's not totally true. Hmm. Whateva.


Blogger Dreamlover said...

Colin has serious issues, I suggest you stop talking to him, it will always be a rollercoaster ride with him.

The only person he likes or cares about is himself, yeah, he may have low self-esteem but that is his deal. GET OUT NOW!! He seems to be full of stupid mind games.

I don't know if you like Kevin, I think yuo just want someone and Kevin seems like he was the best of the bunch out of them 3.

But out of Kevin and Colin, take Kevin, Colin just has issues.

September 03, 2006 1:07 PM  
Blogger Katy said...

Hehe. It's all so true...

He phoned me like an hour ago... wanting to know if I would like to hang out tonight... I said maybe... and if I talk to him again, I'm telling him I'm busy. Because I have to edit the sounds for my project... and get my brother's crap off my camera... and hopefully that will work. Hmm. But yeah.

At least he's phoning, instead of just showing up at my house... but still. After I hung up, I was like goddamnit, fucking creep. leave me alone. Bah. :P I'm just too nice...

September 03, 2006 4:50 PM  
Blogger Dreamlover said...

What is his problem?

If you like him I would tell him straight. Look what do you want?

Did you go and meet him?

Jason cooked dinner for some girl tonight, I felt a little jealous and I don't even really like him, so sometimes emotions make us feel crap stuff, when we don't really, haha

September 03, 2006 7:31 PM  

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