Sunday, August 27, 2006


Fireworks were awesome. I'm gonna post them to Youtube. I'll link em later. :P

I sort of added onto my profile on that site last night, I know I should just stop going on it, but I have nothing better to do. I swear. But anyway... and then I stalkered Collin's profile, and he added onto his today. He still looks at mine.

In his profile, he says, and I quote, "PLAIN JANE"... as in that's what he wants. Alright. I don't know if anyone else would take offence to that, but I do. First of all, I do not see myself as plain... but when he said it I think he meant like... doesn't do drugs, illegal activities... I dunno. But still. I don't think that's a nice way to put it. But maybe that's why he doesn't want me. AND WHY IS HE IMPROVING IT IF HE ISN'T READY FOR ANYTHING?!

Ugh. Men.

But yay fireworks! Why does he still look at my profile everyday? I must be awesome... but really... I think he either misses me, or he's just lonely. I don't know. Or he's a major creepy, which is quite possible. And probable. Bah. I should just shup up about him. But really, that's like the only thing going on these days. Cya.


Blogger Dreamlover said...

Colin digs you still, yes he does, he is amd cos you weren't more into him.

Plain Jane? WTF? Guy has major issues!! He does NOT have a way with words at all!

August 27, 2006 6:53 PM  
Blogger Katy said...

yeah. That's what I was thinking. He looks at mine everyday so that when I sign in I'll look at his, and it will document it. I'm too smart for the system. lmao. :P

No, he really doesn't have a way with words. Like... wow. It's just... horrible.

August 27, 2006 7:05 PM  

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