Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Katy gets ahead of herself... career-wise.

So for our next project in school we're making interactive resumés... joy. Anyway.. we have to find places that are hiring in the new media field... and I found jobs in Vancouver and Boise, Idaho. Ha. How cool would it be to live in either of those places?? Man... live AND have a job.

I've never been to either place... I know, Vancouver's like the place to go in Canada... well.. I'm going there in October after I'm done school... with my mom... on the train. Whee.

But Boise! Idaho! I have no idea what's there, but the name fascinates me. :P

Just like Saskatoon, for some people... or Saskatchewan for that matter.

I do know that I don't want to stay here much longer. It's pretty and stuff... but I dunno. It's weird climate. So cold in the winter that you can't go outside... or you'll... well... freeze. And sometimes so hot you can't go outside, because you'll melt. It's like you're the popsicle, and you either get freezer-burn or melt away. Ha. Can popsicles get freezer-burned? Whatever... I'm nuts. I'm just... getting really excited to be... going out into the world I guess. I hope it works out... And there was also a graphic design position in Ireland, but they hadn't updated since 2005... so I figure they got someone. Plus I'd rather design websites any day. My skills still need a lot of work, but I think if I put the effort into it, and concentrate for once in my life, I'll be successful. Indeed. Um... I'm still in love with Ireland though, and AM going to get there one day. Sometime next year, hopefully.

I guess I should get back to work... blah. Resumés must die. And... stuff. And junk.


Blogger Dreamlover said...

ooh, exciting, exciting, when would you move for your new job??

Ireland sounds like it would be great, and Boise, Idaho would surely be an experience, if you like cows, haha(Joke, I have no idea about Boise either)!!

July 12, 2006 12:10 PM  
Blogger Katy said...

Haha. I'm not really applying for them... although I will definitely keep them in mind.

I actually looked up Boise, Idaho on wikipedia... cuz I was so darn bored of doing resume crap... so yeah. It seems nice... there's butterfly gardens. Or something. Haha. I've never been to one, and I think it might scare me, but whatever! :D Butterflies! Haha. There's a good reason to move to a place I've never even been, even if I don't get a job there... I dunno what I'm saying anymore. Whee!

July 12, 2006 1:48 PM  
Blogger Dreamlover said...

I never know what I am saying, haha

July 12, 2006 5:59 PM  

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