Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Blast! Blast it all to the eternal fiery depths of hell!

Kevin finally answered me on msn. And... I'm all giddy. Grr. He's just too freakin' charming on the computer... how is that possible, you ask? I dunno. It just is. He gave me an emoticon hug... he has never done that before... wth. I was like... wth. I did not return the emoticon hug, because i was too.. surprised? Yes... plus... I dunno.

So... I dunno what's up with everything. I'm pretty damn sure I like him, and it makes me super pissed. But whatever. I'm starting to feel bad about meeting coffee guy, but he'll probably just end up being a friend so what's wrong with that. nothing. :)

I hate this boy, but I love him all the same. Sigh.


Blogger Dreamlover said...

Wow, so u heard back from Kevin and you possibly Love him , hehe

Whoa, why is he taking so long to reply though, arrgh,its as if he knows he is getting you more and more into him by being so darn slow

And still go with Coffee boy, he may turn out to be much better than you thought!!haha

July 13, 2006 12:32 PM  
Blogger Katy said...

Oh, he explained why he's been so slow on the's cuz he hadn't hooked up his computer til like last weekend or something... i dunno. Whatever... he moved. So yeah. *shrug*

Don't really feel the same way today... :P

He said he'd answer my email today, so... we'll see if that happens. If not, it's so over. :P Haha. Or... probably not. Blah.

Oh, I'm definitely still going... heh.

July 13, 2006 3:23 PM  

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