Tuesday, June 12, 2007


Oh goodness... Oo, i should go watch Angus. Or Pumpkin. Hmmm... probably won't watch either.

Man, work's starting to get fucking annoying. you know... hearing the same news item twenty billion times... and... stuff... can really start to piss a person off, I guess.

I did a flyer for someone at JOrdan's work. He will be paying me in DS form... as in buying me a new one. Black. Yeah. In July...

Meh. One more thing to add to my portfolio I guess.

I applied to the unversity... and paid my application fee. But I need to send a transcript... boo... sucks, I know. :P

I had a 98 in drafting. I couldn't believe it. I totaly forgot. And was mad at myself for not pursuing it. I still could... but I mean... I already paid the 90 bucks. So maybe later? Fucker. :P

Jordan wants to quit cuz they still haven't given him the new job they said he had. He's pissed about that. I would be too. Like... fuck. Don't offer the job AND hire someone for it if you're not ready to have it there... or don't even want it there. (It's going to cost them too much). Whatever. Um... hmm...

Holy, I'm tired. Trying to finish up laundry.

Apparently Jordan doesn't want to spend Tuesdays or Thursdays with me because he doesn't want to get sick of me. Jerk. If you keep leaving me on my own, I'll get sick of you. I know it doesn't make sense, but I'm starting to revert to my old ways where I only left the house for... absolutely necessary reasons. :P I do want to start you know... getting back into that shit though, so this is a good thing. It's good.

Yep. good. :P

Know what'd be hilarious? If I didn't get into the U of S. Yeah. Real funny... gawd, I'd feel so stupid. Cuz that would suck. Cuz they let everyone in. I'm serious. Everyone. Anyway... I'm gonna go... does some shiznits.


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