Tuesday, September 12, 2006

190...th post. Geez...

I should save my 200th post for my birthday. Ha. Probably won't though. Depends how much I have to say... Probably won't be much. Ugh!

My site is sucking... and I have no idea how to make it not... suck.


I was watching 90210 today, and it made me cry... :P It does that sometimes... well it was the one with Dylan's dad's funeral... and... Dylan comforts his 13 year old self... geez. And this sad song was playing, and I was all man, I wish I was crazy and could comfort myself... blah. Whatever... haha.

But anyway... um. I don't know. This girl in my class has organized a pub crawl on friday, and invited me, but I'm all... ehhh... I dunno. Cuz they're going to bars I've never even heard of, and one I have but it's like a country bar. I'd rather just... not socialize with a bunch of strangers. Ha. :P Which is probably why I can't meet people in real life, but whatever.

Oh. I walked with Pete across the bridge this morning. We met up on it... and yeah. Had a good chat... I guess. Meh. I came off as talkative, I think. Oh well. Heh... I dunno.

I ate too much pizza this evening with my brother. We watched a movie. He got an editing job. I'm so excited for him. And jealous. :P Not that I'd be good at that... heh. I dunno. But yeah. It's about time things turned around for him... being 23 and a half... and all.

So my brother's not going to Riley's wedding in like... two weeks? Ugh. So I dunno who I'm gonna sit with now... I guess I could bring a friend... but who? Wes works weekends... dang... Mandy? She might be working... hmm. I wish I had more friends... I don't think Jessica will go with me... she doesn't love me enough. :P I suppose I could ask friend dave... but... I don't really want to. Haha. Just cuz... yeah. I dunno. My dad might be all... who IS he??!! It would just be stupid. Cuz when dad drove me home when i had to take the car to his place... he asked me if I had a boyfriend and I said no. So yeah. I dunno... I don't talk to my dad. About anything. I tried to talk about Shawna a couple times with him... and... money that he had had for her... but... he just denies. Constantly. I told my mom and she says she doesn't think he asked val either. So... yeah. I haven't brought it up since.

But anyway... I'll be posting on Friday to say happy bday to Jaimie... oh my goodness, I had no idea it was almost your birthday... geez! I woulda got you a present but... uh... :P My friendship is enough, isn't it? Hahahaha. :P But yeah.

Life is sorta suckin. And dave just wants to paruse broadway on friday... which I might do with him... but I dunno. It'd be fun, but it's supposed to be really, really cold. Like... almost winter cold. Whee! Can't wait for snow. Seriously. I can't. I've always disliked summer somethin fierce... :P

Oh. Did you know that it's MY birthday in exactly a month? Crazy... and sad. And two decades old. Geez. How sad is that?! Blah. Where's Kevin... he hasn't been online since I almost professed my love to him. Haha. No... I didn't... but you know. I bugged him for like 4 days in a row. And then he disappeared... hmm. :P That should tell me something... probably. Oh well.


Blogger Dreamlover said...


Yes, your friendship is enough!!


Yours is coming up soon?? WOOHOO!!

You should go on the pub crawl if Pete is going!

September 13, 2006 11:42 AM  
Blogger Katy said...

Hahahaha. At the pub crawl thing... yeah. That's why I wanna go. :P jk!

September 13, 2006 6:01 PM  

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