Monday, July 17, 2006

Cue the flying pig, because it's time for Katy to be happy, damn it.

How is it possible to be so excited one day and then totally blaaahhh the next. I don't get it.

How could he like.. send me an email being all thanks for the GREAT afternoon... and then... hardly talk to me today. Ugh. Why am I analyzing it so much? This is why I can never be happy. :P

I feel like I almost want to cry... just because. Hmm. He sucks. We all know it. He was just being polite. Or maybe we're just both tired today... because I know I am... and he said he was too. So maybe today just wasn't a good day to talk... hm. I have no clue. Blah. So yeah. Hooray to... no, this doesn't get a hooray. This gets a boo for crappiness.

I'm so... overdramatic.

And we all know the only time I'll get a chance at happiness is when pigs fly. Maybe not, but it seems like it.


Blogger Dreamlover said...

What happened? Was he online and ignore you or just not online??

Guys are weird. He may be overwhelmed with his feelings! He may be unsure, plus alot of guys think they have to wait 3 days or some stupidness.

He so wouldn't have sent a polite e-mail.

He would have sent nada if he didn't like you!

July 18, 2006 12:16 AM  
Blogger Katy said...

They are weird. :(

July 18, 2006 8:05 AM  

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