Tuesday, April 01, 2008

A rant about C-freak

So, do you all remember Collin? Well... I saw him driving today. In fact, I drove right by him. He was in his gross old 2-door PURPLE ford escort. How much gayer can you get? :P He looked as douchey as I remember... I gave him the finger. Except not.

Oh, and I discovered that Mandy... my so-called friend :P ;)... added him as a friend on Facebook. When I discovered that I nearly fell off my chair. I was like what? She probably doesn't even remember or know who he is... he probably just had her on his msn list and added her... like he seems to do with a lot of girls. Not me though. I totally shot him down in January of last year. I was all, I have a boyfriend dickface and even if I didn't, no chance in hell would I go out with you again. Well... that's not really how it went down. I politely told him I would prefer not to go out for coffee with him cuz i had a boyfriend. And I'd talk to him later. Then I blocked and deleted him. :P

But yeah... it looks as though he's found himself a nice PLAIN girlfriend... which is what he thought I was... plain. Me! Imagine that! I used to think that before a real man came into my life. Ha. But yeah... I hope he's not happy. That bastard stole my first kiss. And I didn't even kiss him back! So whatever. Moving on...

I love Jordan and I'm glad I found him. :P... and asked him out when I'd only been talking to him for like 4 days... :P Whatever.

Finals start next week. Shit.


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