Sunday, March 02, 2008

Vader's Pet Pig

Yesterday is by far my favourite song by The Beatles. I used to love the Beatles when I was a kid... then I didn't like them for a while... then I kind of got back into them... now they're okay... like... I dunno, I just have a ridiculous hatred of Paul McCartney. :P

Anyway. New things... wisdom teeth are coming in more... neat, I guess? They don't hurt anymore... they never really did, they were just annoying.

My workplace got bought out by another company so they're going to be changing shit around and stuff... so that'll be... interesting. I don't want to stay there. I applied for a graphic design position, but admitted I was going to school at the mo' and that may be the reason they didn't call me back... retarded. Apparently I have to give a months' notice at work now? That can't be legal... :P And I will never be doing that. So whatever. Two weeks' is as much as I'd give. Cuz honestly, who would know what they're doing for a job in a month? No one would ever let you take that long to come work for the new job... geez, making no sense.

I did okay on that essay for english... about Frnakenstein... oh, how that seems so long ago. It was. I have an in-class essay on Tuesday... shucks. I still don't know which stories I will copmare, or do a reader response for... I should be figuring that out now. I will when I'm done this. I also have to finish reading a 400+ page book soon for that class... almost halfway done. Been about a month since I started... good thing I started when I did.

I also have an essay to do for geology... I'm thinking either glaciers or sand dunes. When he was talking about them in class, I was like wow, that's neat. :P That class is really opening my eyes... :P cuz who thinks about rocks or how things are formed? Like, really. Nobody. Unless they're nerdy... or... just interested in that type of stuff. Whatever.

Just thought I would update...

Phantom of the Opera is coming here! I wanna take Jordan... he's seen it... I should see how much tickets are...

He's going to Toronto in a couple weeks to pick up the SUV he bought from his friend... they're driving it back. And then we're all going to Edmonton for like a day or something. IKEA!!!!! Yay! And then apparently a hockey game? Psh... haven't been to one of those since I was like... 5... you know, a real one with teams people have actually heard of.

Anyway, I should go. Sorry I don't update much anymore... I should get on that more... yeah...


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