Sunday, April 16, 2006


So why am I still thinking about a comment that I wanted to laugh at? Because... I dunno. I guess Wes thought it would hurt my feelings. Hmm.

When we went to his grandma's she asked Wes if I was deaf and dumb. Which is totally not politically correct. Do I look it or something? I know I'm quiet, and it comes off as stuck up, a bitch, or retarded apparently... well you know what I mean.

I guess I'm paranoid that that's what people think... even though it's wrong. Hm. I hate it when I do this. I know I'm not supid, and I'm clearly not deaf... although sometimes it seems that way... but whatever right? It's just some dumb old lady. And we all know how much contempt I have for old people... :P Like some of them... man... just wanna... yeah I dunno.

But whatever. I love the decemberists. I need some reassurance that I'm not stupid. Mandy sorta gave it to me just now... wasn't as fast as I would have liked it to be... haha. Oh well. She loves me... my friends love me... that's all that matters. Right?


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